About Kingsley

Kingsley Jegan Joseph manages salesforce.com’s online community, Successforce.com. He’s the creator of many wonderful things, including the Salesforce IdeaExchange and the Social Media Firehose. While his limited background only includes fashion, web design, usability, sociology and information systems, he’s keenly interested in web strategy, social web marketing & collective value creation. He specializes in making web 2.0 create business value in the enterprise.

kingsley2.com / kj@kingsley2.com / +1 415 425 7169 / @kingsley2

17 responses to “About Kingsley

  1. Have been a reader of this blog for quite sometime. Good to read that you are into SF. I’ve also found SF to be as-good-as-it-can-get wrt their CRM system. Though I’m currently working on a SF migration to PSFT!

    Good luck man. Keep your attention deficit disorder to minimal (I mean only at the blog; hope at office it is not much displayed!)


    Hey this site is cool,having the same name i just typed it and the site came on.so whats this site exactly about,i see a lot of south indian script.im from mumbai india,see ya.

  3. Funny that the first 2 comments on this page should be from people with my “last” and “first” names!

    Joseph, thanks for your wishes.

    Kingsley, if this page is not clear enough, I can’t really explain it any more.

  4. dheepa christopher

    is it really you?. me soooooo surprised !. My mail ID not working, so gave my husband’s mail ID. MAIL into that.

  5. dheepa christopher

    mail me at lymenv@yahoo.co.in

  6. Hi Kingsley,

    I just started working for Prosper (www.prosper.com) – an online, people-to-people lending marketplace. I see you’re writing about the latest web developments and other interesting articles, so I wanted to introduce myself and our website.

    BTW, I like your post about that community lending. Prosper takes that transaction the web over (or at least in the US).

    The Prosper site just launched (we got some play in the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/13/technology/13ecom.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1140212018-urjbgqL3mfTL9Drsu2/lww) and I’m contacting a few topically relevant websites/people in the field asking for feedback on the site – good and bad.

    If you have a few minutes, shoot me an email and let me know your impressions. If the site interests you or you have any questions or comments, I can help get you in touch with anyone internally here (e.g. our Product Manager, Marketing Department, CTO, CEO, etc.) and generally get questions answered.

    Anyway, please check Prosper out. If you have any questions, please email me anytime.


    Customer Service: 1-800-208-0103

  7. Hey Kingsley —

    Saw your flickr photos of Batelle at Salesforce. Was he pitching anything in particular or giving you guys a “state of the union” on search, etc?

    — Mark

  8. Alex (Anna Univ.)

    May I have your e-mail ID? please…
    I have an important message to inform *you*.

    And btw, Kingsley2.com rocks with content and design.

  9. Weren’t you Kingsley Jegan before?

  10. Hi Kingsley, I am Dani’s friend, what is his regular email id? & good to know you are in USA.. -tata -ravi

  11. Answer Jace’s question saare 🙂

  12. hai jegan,
    Long time no hear 4m u. mail me.

  13. Sley
    glad to see you part of THE FORCE.Looks like you’re getting sharper by the (y)ear. Drop me a line sometime. Need to bounce off a couple of ideas.


  14. hi kingsley,

    r u the same guy from st.michael’s?? if yes,, remember me???


  15. You sound more like an child of some MORONIC christian missionary
    rather than a South Indian-Saying so coz of your grandoise
    name-Kingsley Jagan Joseph! I guess this kind of name might give inferiority complex to some westerner even.To put things
    in a nutshell-shut your mouth up and refrain from making such
    idiotic remarks about any community or people of particular

  16. ஹி ஜோஷப்,

    இட்ஸ் ஸீம்ஸ் லைக் யூ ஆர் தமிழன். I found you at some Salesforce blog. Mail me if you have time


  17. dear Kingsley

    I visited your blog today and it was an interesting experience. Please keep up the good work. It is important that the world is informed about the beauty of India as experienced by the real people. Tourism Department of India is not as effective as the tales of real people.

    We would appreciate if you could also find sometime to become part of our travel blog at the following URL:


    Your presence in the community will add more color to our content.

    Thanks & regards

    Ramesh Kumar